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Green Hell by Skum
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Type: Tower Race
Size: 6000 x 18000, 9357KB
Tags: (T)sf III
Before I start to make this map, I decided to make it unique. Fancy walls, fly-areas, and other. All is well thought out and started. However, I did this map ONLY in a good mood and in inspiration only ^^. A month passed and I finally did it! I did a custom map! All textures, trees, covering the grass I made by myself (with the exception only of sand;P). It was very difficult.
Here is the most basic special things:
• "Backbone" of the map - it is a huge tube that runs from the center of map vertically in the water. In this way it will destroy anyone who uses the teleport glitch: D (that sort of thing is not easy to find in the tower race))
• Entire floor is covered with horizontal grass. And where is the grass - not a hindrance, its rather help! It will save you from death. if you touch the edge of the floor (and in front of the water) - with this grass you will not drown! Although this grass is costly to me personally)
• I developed a special piece, through which you can pass in one direction only (to start). As far as I know - it never was.
• In Upper fly place You need to fly HORIZANTAL only (from dot) and "approaching" the wall of the worm will say how much until the end of the flight. (If to release the rope when you're close to the wall - you'll see that you're practically on the floor)
About color: I do not even know how I did it, but using only 64 colors, I made a map with the size of OVER 9000 KB!!!! However, there is no loss of color, and you can easily play in the background.
PS. Green safely effect on mood. ;)
So, enjoy this big, but fucking great map!; D
Settings in game:
Usually rules. You can pass through the point. Fly from the marked place. If u dont use batty or TS, u may do short cuts (without them you just cant do it xD)
#18370 - 15 colores. (4'383KB)
#18371 - 4 colores. (632KB)
Added on: 4th August 2011, 20:00
Downloads: 2288
Comments: 11 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Good graphics. (complain/suggest)