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DC w2w by Scrambled

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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 1856 x 1112, 25KB



inspired by the incredible song of DECAPITATED, this wxw requires great skills and an extra 5 seconds per turn (35/40 secs)... cold mechanical design in my usual style.

Sodium sunrise burns my eyes
Electric charged reanimation
I must recombine my (scattered) mind
After techno-crucifixion

Growling engines/transmitting praise
Audio sensors detecting waves
The factory/reanimates me
As a post organic form of life

Vacuum breath on the surface
Of my positron skin
Covered by the barbed wire
And life-proof membrane

I'm the factory's newest product
Son of serialized destruction
Perfect body - perfect soul
Reborn as a post organic form of life

Oxygen - no longer needed
Brain - lobotomized
Heart - pumping cyanide
Arms - mechanized
Eyes - throwing x-rays
Tissues - mummified
Erased - my memory
All the rest is vaporized

Baptized in a lake of acid tears
I am resurrected in toxic soil
Hardware body - software soul
In post organic form/appeared

I've seen the android god preaching
Radiating his nuclear love
I've seen the world around
Bewitched in a pill of mescaline

Added on: 19th September 2011, 08:29
Downloads: 291

Comments: 2 (read/write)

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Good graphics. (complain/suggest)