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Hockenheim – inverted by wormscesky, Struzak

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Type: Wascar
Size: 1920 x 696, 33KB


 10.00 (2)
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Inverted version of our Hockenheimring track for wascar racing (#16736). We decided to invert the map to improve the gameplay and lower the risk of (bad) luck. On the previous map sometimes it's too easy to climb the final straight by the end of the turn and then slide the longest curve down to the hairpin at right. Player in such position rides a significant part of the circuit "for free". In contrary, a racer who has to drive the slide manually looses a lot of time.

Added on: 24th December 2011, 11:58
Downloads: 572

Comments: 5 (read/write)

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: Themed. (complain/suggest)