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Wormy BnA by Apocalypse

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Type: Bow & Arrow
Size: 1920 x 2088, 77KB
WSC file:

Tags: bows and arrows, bna, worms

I was bored and wanted to screw with someone I know, so I made my first BnA map out of worms. I think it might be a bit too clustered, but I haven't been bothered to re-do the whole thing, and it makes climbing quite practical.
I always play minefield BnA's, but you could play however you like with this; without the mines, though, it will probably be way too easy to traverse. In any case, enjoy.
I also included my preferred BnA scheme for use with HostingBuddy.
Added on: 19th April 2012, 16:15
Downloads: 528
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Unimaginative, Sprites. (complain/suggest)