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Broken Circuit by Nando

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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 2320 x 1296, 287KB


 8.00 (2)
 8.50 (2)
 9.00 (1)

C5C - Pass all of of the checkpoints before attacking.

You don't have to touch any walls, just cross the (invisible) line between each pair of dots forming a checkpoint. For the checkpoint in the centre consisting of 4 dots, pass between any 2.

Have fun!

Update: Added instructions and a little graphic on the map.
Update2: The yellow texture in the instruction graphic was causing a weird flickering effect. I've replaced it with a solid color.

Added on: 16th May 2012, 11:31
Downloads: 271

Comments: 14 (read/write)

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Original. (complain/suggest)