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WorldWide Worms (Giant) (Continents) (2D Projection) by Asteroid-Rain

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Type: Other
Size: 4096 x 2048, 6146KB

Tags: earth, big map, planet, intermediate, continents



This is 2666 A.D. Welcome to Planet Earth, giant worm. As you have drained the atmosphere, every form of hydrogen-dioxide has diminished to an imperceivable grade by your anti-gravitational spaceship's suckling function, it is no longer a blockade for you to cut through it. What doesn't exist can't hurt you anymore. Lower your vibrations and rip the planet into shreds, swallow the magmatic core and drink from the sizzling lava. Earth is ready to be conquered.. just another Feel free to either destroy or protect it from the atrocious, destructive extraterrestrials (the opposing team). Which side you take? The choice is up to you.

Added on: 23rd May 2012, 21:04
Downloads: 256

Comments: 4 (read/write)

Worth: 1 EXP

Features: Clumsy, Unimaginative. (complain/suggest)