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Halls of Hell w4w by Skum

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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 1920 x 800, 36KB
Tags: (WXW)sf III

Third exclusive map from my unnamed series of crazy insane pixel-made WxW's.
Since I don't like to write much, and I do it rather poor, i wont tell any stories and be short.
Map made by using 1 pixel pencil only. The absolute minimum wide walls for the best roping (not everywhere, but only in the places it need), special made layout for different tricks and speed. Map has good pleasent red coloring with contrast visible white lines and outside "build-up", 3 plop zones and 2 animals droppers. There are also 8 hide zones, They don't bother while roping at all, 4 of them even will help you to make spikes. The map is not hard at all, it can be complited in 20 sec, so it will be fun as for noob and for pro trick lovers.
This time I made this map not regular size, so u wont see it playing with mothafakin HostingBuddy. But it has a few space under map, so, if u are mad fool u can climb on the map roof (what for, i don't know, just for lulz xd).
And for our clevermindo reviewers and players - crates/worms/mines WON'T spawn on that outside "build-up" or how to call that thing...
HAve tuns!
Added on: 27th June 2012, 11:24
Downloads: 294
Comments: 28 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 4 users.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Good graphics. (complain/suggest)
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