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Burning Land Roper by Skum

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Type: Roper
Size: 2880 x 1048, 460KB
Tags: earth, soil, spoil, oil, lame

Once upon a time I played a weird scheme with my evil negative hater mate Masta which called "roper". I didnt like that scheme, and decided to fix that scheme specifically for myself, making a special map, which is much bigger opener, without "water tricks" and where you can get anywhere in 15 sec. Now i like it. But I cann't guarantee that YOU will like it, because I have really lousy taste ;)
But nevertheless, map is tricky, open, beauty as fuck, but not reccomended for asslovers.
64 colors, bordered, blue background (but i suggest to use afro american background or only gradiented sky (looks awesome too))
Added on: 2nd July 2012, 18:23
Downloads: 358
Comments: 25 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Original. (complain/suggest)