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Worm Basket by Gh0sT

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Type: Other
Size: 1920 x 672, 156KB
WSC file:

Tags: OG1

Worm Basket OG1
Kurallar :
Öncelikle her 2 oyuncu da 5 solucan seçer . Daha sonra her oyuncu kendi solucanlarını bir yari sahaya yerleStirir . her bir solucan ortadaki çizgiden tutunUP kendini firlatarak Rakibin sahasindaki kirmizi potanin içine
girmeye çalİSİr . Eger solucan potaya girerse veya potaya giremeyip yere düserse , sira tekrar o solucana geldiginde kendi sahasındaki potaya dokunmak zorundadır . Yapıldıktan sonra solucan tekrar rakibin potasına
girmeye çalisir . Potaya giren her solucan 1 puan değerindedir . Oyun istenildigi kadar uzatilip kisaltilabilir .
The Rules:
First of all, the second player selects five worms. Then each player places their worms a half-court. throwing himself by grabbing the opponent's field of each line in the middle of a red worm TEAMS
tries to enter. If the worms could not enter into the crucible where the crucible enters or falls, well again he must touch the crucible worm arrives in their respective fields. Once again, the opponent's pot of worms
tries to enter. Is worth 1 point each worm into the hoop. Requested, expandable up to game.
Added on: 13th August 2012, 14:16
Downloads: 137
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Unimaginative. (complain/suggest)