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Take out the mine #1 by Skum

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Type: Other Rubber
Size: 8136 x 1800, 685KB

WSC file: Download

Tags: TOM, JP(Land)sf III


 8.33 (3)
 9.00 (3)
 9.33 (3)

Meet the new scheme of the game!
The point of the game is to blow the mine thro all the map and try to don't blow it.
Use the attached scheme (it requires RubberWorm (sdet, fdpt))
The rules are written on the map. But if some1 use google translator, here are they:

You must have Rubber worm and special scheme to play here

Use jetpack to push the mine through all the map to finish. Start is above this text. (2 ways for 2 teams).
You should push the mine blowing it with grenades, dynamite, banana.
Shoot from jetpack only!
auto/hot keys are forbidden!
If you accidently blew up the mine - you should continue from your last checkpoint.

(if you didn’t reach the first checkpoint - start from start again).
Have lulz.

You can play alone here, or with 1 friend or some1, because the map is mirrored. (play with 1 worm per team, and not more than 1 worm for 1 of 2 sides!).
Playing this map can take whole 10 minutes for pr0, and 20 minutes for IDK, WTF is this-men.
If you are really tough guy - try to play here with 100-200hp.
Also you can play first side, then second side, you will feel like playing different maps

Please, report all the map/scheme bugs in comments.. or just ask the questions =).


Added on: 19th August 2012, 14:44
Downloads: 244

Comments: 10 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.

Worth: 7 EXP

Features: Good graphics, Original. (complain/suggest)