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InsanePurple by Masta

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Type: Rope Race
Size: 10000 x 2016, 103KB
Tags: CPR, Checkpoint, Race, Difficult

Hello there, wmdb.
Here is a new checkpoint race for you. (:
Some dudes in #ag have asked me if I was gonna make a new cpr map, and said they liked the last map I made and wanted another one, also my last cpr map is my most downloaded map, this gave me motivation to make another map for the cpr scheme, so enjoy! ;D
In this map you'll find 13 challenging checkpoints with good playability.
For the average player I recommend using 16-18 sec turn times. x)
Been working on this map for the last couple of weeks, adding a checkpoint to the map every now and then. Unlike my last map "HardRed", there won't be a progressing difficulty as you get closer to the finish. Checkpoint 1 and 2 are fairly "easy", but at checkpoint 3 and beyond you really have to rope your best if you wanna reach the finish.
I've put much allot of effort into making and testing the map, so I hope you dudes will enjoy the it! x)
I'll also make a challenge over at the tus site for those who are interested.
Challenge link:
Map info:
97 colors
5 pixel thin walls
200 pixel wide corridors
13 checkpoints including finish
Made in Photoshop CS6
Added on: 22nd September 2012, 08:44
Downloads: 1265
Comments: 18 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)