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Quinary Boom Flier by Skum

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Type: Other Rubber
Size: 13360 x 1672, 199KB
WSC file:

Tags: grenade, challenge, fly, weeeeeeeeee, (Land)sf II

An interesting New concept, which a bit reminds Beef race.
You must make the longest fly as you can using.. powerful grenades only. :)
(Use the attached scheme)
The map has clear-made table that rather fair "counts" you score. (read more how can u use it under that table)
The rules are written on the map, but if some1 uses translator, here are they:
Fly as far as you can using grenades only. Drop the 5 grenades in 5 sec in the way to make them blow in one moment! And don't forget about jumping in last moment for extra speed! reccomended 8 amount of tries (8 worms). The player who've got more points wins. Low gravity/autokeys and other shit are forbidden! Post your best records at (here)
The player with the best results will be listed on this map.
Have fun!
The scheme is kinda addictive and interesting, thought you need time to get use to this. (don't worry, if the first 10-20 tries you will fly very low and get low points)
I would make a video, how to play here, but unfortunately I don't want to do that... But still, if someone will get problem with playing, i will post WA file about how to play here.
And don't forget, that you need RubberWorm to play here (the map need /sdet (multishot) to play here..) Where to get it - Idunno, ask it in shoutbox or somewhere. trololo.
Have LuLz, and the ones smartasses, who will get impossible "uber blocks" will be listed on the map foreva and will get a cookie ;)
Added on: 30th September 2012, 19:14
Downloads: 271
Comments: 9 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Original. (complain/suggest)