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Big Metal Jet Race by Skum

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Type: Jet Pack Race
Size: 4384 x 2936, 453KB

WSC file: Download

Tags: Jet Pack, Jetpack, usack, JP(Land)sf III


 8.50 (8)
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 9.43 (7)

Well, i kinda love jet pack racing. But there is one small problem - there are very few maps for it, and they are too short :[
So i decided to make my own map, cool map, beaty map, loong map.
That was really hard for me to be true, because of no experience in jet race maps making. But wasting a bunch of time making different ways I finished it rather successfully (note that this is linear hand made map, not 100% mario/sonic sprites). It goes softly and straight and interesting, IT goes with growing interest, and with decreasing complexity ;)
(personally for me it took 12 mins to complete - that rly much for Jet Race)
(there are few easy plop areas tho)
The only problem for me is a bit not perfect graphic, because of too much gradient, sprites, glass, etc. But still, I believe, it looks cool.

I suppose to use the attached scheme. (10 sec turn, + inf 0 stars nana, + 20 sec retreat = 30 sec flies), also u must use RACE STUFF if you play not alone (there are some very tight parts)

Tight lovers like Masta can also play RR here.

..Also THanks to W.N. Enfo for testing it with me ;)

Platinum 32bit version: (works with PX only)

Added on: 28th October 2012, 10:58
Downloads: 756

Comments: 20 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 7 users.

Worth: 7 EXP

Features: Good graphics, Original. (complain/suggest)