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Forts- Big variation by RogerRolo
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Type: Fort
Size: 8000 x 4000, 3315KB
WSC file: Download
Tags: forts, bigmap
La idea vino del juego Worms Forts Under Siege para mobiles, queria hacer un mapa parecido, en donde hay un gran muro en el medio y los dos equipos deben lanzarse cosas. No es el gran mapa pero hice lo que pude :D Tiene un esquema especifico y para mayor alcanze de las armas se debe usar baja gravedad (infinita).
Eso es todo
The idea came from the game Worms Forts Under Siege for mobiles, i wanted to make a similar map, where there is a huge wall in the middle and both teams have to shoot things to each other. it's not a great map but i did what i could :D It has a specified scheme and for best reach of weapons, low gravity must be set (inf)
That's all
Added on: 20th November 2012, 17:15
Downloads: 176
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 1 EXP
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative. (complain/suggest)