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New Year Iceberg Shoppa by Skum

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Type: Shopper
Size: 3056 x 2240, 847KB

Tags: ice, snow, B(SH)sf III


 8.71 (8)
 8.43 (8)
 7.60 (6)

... the first (and last -.-) compulsive 2013 map xD
The map in the style of "nonlinear self drawing", and it has the form of iceberg. (Ye, 90% of the map is underwater). It's a bit harder for roping than linear maps, but still ropes alright. Not recommended for n00bs. (time to get the top from bottom and back with safe not too fast roping ~25 sec). Anyway, i recommend 30 sec. (for noobs ~40)
Bad spawning protect exists too.

This map supposed to be posted yesterday, but i was making it tooo long time, and then got a lil big problems with it indexation.(overcoloring... -.-).. so, somewhere it looks bad, somewhere not so bad; It's possible to make it look better, but this is the best result i got.


Thanks to eNf0 for advertisement of StringKing's secret about "Eye Candy" PS Plug-in. (awesome effect of snow and ice)
Thanks to MEDVED for advertisement of "Filter Forge" PS Plug-in. (awesome effect of ice in global sizes)

Added on: 1st January 2013, 15:00
Downloads: 1203

Comments: 21 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 6 users.

Worth: 7 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Good graphics. (complain/suggest)

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