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Dead island V.1 by edocon

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Type: Capture the Flag
Size: 4072 x 1928, 890KB

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Tags: kill the king, KTK


 9.44 (9)
 9.12 (8)
 9.67 (6)

the rules by MG:

Start on the blue line for the blue team and red line for the red team (look at the lables "Blue start" and "Red start" on the map).

Red team needs to destroy the king (worm that wears a crown), or to kill the blue team.
Blue team must defend the king and kill red team.

This mode is without the ropes and jetpack, but a players could use a lot of parachutes and try to fly with help that. Enjoy KTK!


hello all,

Here is my last map. I drew the whole map with "paint", then tested each jump, ladder or fall.
I then applied textures with "photoshop".
I modified some sprites before to integrated it on my map.
This map is in 96 colors
It took me, about 16 hours to finish this map

I will bring some change after the comment. For example, more clearly the invisible bridge.

have fun


update V.1 of 09/02/2013:
-indication of the "invisible bridge" was added
-indication of "jump" were added
-the final level of the invisible rope is blue for easy jump
-improvement of color

Added on: 7th February 2013, 23:27
Downloads: 692

Comments: 13 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 4 users.

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: Sprites. (complain/suggest)