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Donkey Kong Country Returns FIXED V2 by DonMega, Pac-Man

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Type: Bazooka & Grenade
Size: 1920 x 824, 222KB
WSC file:

Tags: donkey kong, retro, nintendo, wii

Contrary to the description in the original map there was quite a bit gone wrong with the colors in the original. Liking the map though I decided to fix things up. It looks way better and doesn't have pixel holes all over the terrain
- Photoshop CS2
- Manually chosen 64 colors to optimum
- PNGGauntlet compressed
Thanks goes to the original author Pac-Man for this great map! #22590
Your feedback is more than welcome ;)
Added on: 15th February 2013, 05:29
Downloads: 879
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Remix. (complain/suggest)