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cemetery at night - V.3 by edocon

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Type: Capture the Flag
Size: 1920 x 696, 298KB

WSC file: Download

Tags: KTK, kill the king


 7.67 (3)
 8.00 (3)
 7.50 (2)

the rules by MG:

Start on the blue line for the blue team and red line for the red team (look at the lables "Blue start" and "Red start" on the map).

Red team & Blue team needs to destroy the king (worm that wears a crown )

This mode is without the ropes and jetpack, but a players could use a lot of parachutes and try to fly with help that. Enjoy KTK!


Here is my last "KTK" map.

I put a lot of time to create this map because every element of the maps were drawn by myself on paint. The only sprite is used to make leaf from trees.
I used to paint the created map.
I used photoshop to created textures and shadows.
Originally, sprites worms were created for this map: #20246

It is advisable to play black background


update 1:(02/03/2013)
- Change location in the crypt decor. This will facilitate some jump.
- Reduction text wmdb

update 2:(02/03/2013)
- Setting transparent bubbles discussion

update 3:(03/03/2013)
- Modification following the different advice of Skum:
-> Elimination of bubbles discussion
-> Changing the number of map to incorporate it to the decor
-> Signature of the integrated map decor

- Increase the realism of the fire

Added on: 2nd March 2013, 22:41
Downloads: 1148

Comments: 24 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Remix, Good graphics, Sprites. (complain/suggest)