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Infernal Seduction by X920MikeyB

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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 1848 x 768, 164KB

Tags: wxw w4w wall to wall girl fire element



Greetings Wormers!

I bring to you... "Infernal Seduction" - Wall 4 Wall

From feedback I've had from various players I've learnt that some players really enjoy my "pod" style wall to walls. So after digging through my backups I've found a few old "Frames" that I designed a while back but never got around to skinning and releasing.

So here's the "plan". I'm hoping to create and release four "themed" maps based on the Four Elements, such as Fire, Water, Earth and Wind (Air). I've got 2 more frames ready to skin so I'll do them over the next few days and I'll work on a new frame for the 4th element :) so yeah, hope you enjoy this map as much as I enjoyed making it!

Feedback highly appreciated! Only helps me create more enjoyable maps for the players and of course, my self :)



Added on: 12th April 2013, 23:37
Downloads: 168

Comments: 4 (read/write)

Worth: 2 EXP

Features: Unimaginative, Adult. (complain/suggest)