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-Renovate- by stringking

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Type: Pod Shopper
Size: 2880 x 1600, 58KB


 7.67 (4)
 7.67 (4)
 7.67 (4)

Here's a fun "little" map to rope around on. Labeled as a Pod but it my idea behind it is a x2Fly Shopper.

What does that mean??

Well, I'll tell ya. Starting from the far right or left you fly once to the middle and then immediately fly again from the middle to the other side. Have fun

Added on: 1st September 2013, 00:06
Downloads: 705

Comments: 9 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 5 users.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Elaborate. (complain/suggest)