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Slightly Pimped Egypt by Skum, kuvasz

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Type: Walk for Weapons
Size: 1880 x 800, 233KB
WSC file:

Tags: lost, vikings, desert, symbol, water, kuvasz, lame

Original map: #10499 (#11742)
I saw some people like everything in this map hard, but as for me - dunno about the gameplay (didn't test yet), but the sharpness and contrast of the sprites kicks the eyes abit. Especially when you look at it for a while.
So i've got a badass idea - i'll pimp dat map, doing the graphics more eye-pleasant, but not to actually change it.
THo my actual plan was to remake ALL the map, but takes some seconds - a bit too much even for me :<
But still i managed to make an easy, but effective graphics-improve, so now it looks not less cool, but it's a bit more pleasant to look at it for a long time.
What was actually changed here:
1. Added bevels/emboss
2. Added the light from Torches
4. Added the water spray to waterfalls
5. Same 88 colors, Hell background and Scheme.
<<Actual differences in GIF file>>
All the Glory and Honor to Kuvasz, TheLostVikings and Photoshop creators.
Added on: 30th September 2013, 21:14
Downloads: 472
Comments: 7 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Remix. (complain/suggest)
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