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Lotto Rubberworm by j0hny

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Type: Other Rubber
Size: 1920 x 696, 16KB
WSC file:

Tags: lotto, rubberworm, rubber, j0hny, johny

Welcome in Lotto game :)
To this map NEEDS Special scheme to download Here: (scheme available with the map).
Set 8 worms per team, if there are more than 20 worms, will enabled teleport at start game, then teleport all the worms to the circle.
Mission objective is simple, who survives, wins.
Attack all what you've got.
10 minutes to sudden death, then winning team with more worms.
Clusters and Bananas you can set to 9 seconds.
GL and Njoy! :)
Added on: 4th December 2013, 17:17
Downloads: 139
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Unimaginative. (complain/suggest)