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Extended Pimped Cyadonia Shoppa by Skum, FrostX
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Type: Shopper
Size: 2272 x 760, 110KB
Tags: R(SH)sf II
THis is an extended and definitely much better version for playing of #25271
Pimped from #25173
well, i found that map quite pimpamble, so i thought - why not xd..
So i carefully remade all the sprites from 8bit shit to 24bit new centery looking (and again back to 8bit due to indexing -.-) +added two workable fly zonez at the top and fixed some places in order to make them better for playing.
it was actually supposed to be posted in a few days or even hours after the original map (just to trollz), buuutt, since it came out so serious work, it took a bit more time..
>>All the differences between original and this pimp in a GIF image<<
About current map:
This's a small remix of the remix, which was made for perfect playability (original map is too fkin tight..) - so i strongly recommend to play at it instead of this small 1920x696 version from the gif (which was deleted anyway).
Both of these maps are supposed to be played with afro american BG only (lame background, + fake green laser glue)
Added on: 23rd January 2014, 17:09
Downloads: 834
Comments: 13 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Remix, Sprites. (complain/suggest)