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Comeback Rope Race by Userc479

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Type: Rope Race
Size: 10000 x 10000, 3013KB

Well...couldn't help but come up with another Big Rope Race Map. Bit bigger than I had expected to do so can take a little while to complete - however it is quite a spacious therefore room for speedy roping but also plenty of area's to do your funky moves at same time.
Have attempted at not making the map too repetitive and have tried to put some different obstacles in to keep the map fun including a big fly and mini fly. No pixels but plenty of dots in sections of the map to keep you moving about!
There are some parachuting zones, new obstacles etc but wanted to release this map to see your response.
Leave constructive comments for me :)
*Added border around the outside of the map (16th May 2014)
*Increased dot size from 5 to 9 for less chances for players to fail. (14th May 2014 as requested by ScaredEwo)
*Changed the wording "Come Back" to Comeback. (13th May 2014 - Correction pointed out by SiD - thanks man)
*Added text to part of the map. (13th May 2014)
*Decreased Parachuting strokes from 3px to 2px so any tunnels you choose will let you fall down all the way. (13th May 2014 as requested by ShadowMan but this was on plan to do this)
*Released initial version to see response.
Added on: 13th May 2014, 04:27
Downloads: 1187
Comments: 19 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)