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Board Revival 2014 (Part 2) by sbs

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Type: Board Games
Size: 2968 x 3144, 946KB

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Tags: boardgame, board game, spanish



En esta oportunidad, va un pequeño tributo para lacoste por su trabajo en el "Board" #9837 que incluye un montón de frescas innovaciones para aquellos días.
◤ 15 pruebas suyas son la base para una primera mitad de este nuevo mapa.
◢ La otra mitad está hecha con 15 ideas distintas que contienen alguna que otra sorpesa para que sigas poniéndote a prueba en varias áreas de las habilidades wormeras.


This time, a little tribute goes to lacoste for his #9837 Board work that includes plenty of fresh innovations for those days.
◤ 15 of his tasks are the basis for a first half of this new map.
◢ The other half is made out with 15 different ideas containing a couple of surprises to keep testing yourself across several areas of wormers' skills.

Added on: 20th September 2014, 18:56
Downloads: 508

Comments: 0 (read/write)

Worth: 3 EXP

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