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HCP's Trick Race by Marko, Sensei

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Type: Trick Race
Size: 15000 x 6800, 673KB

Tags: difficulty per level, colorful, open


 7.00 (1)
 6.00 (1)
 6.00 (1)

This is my first trick race map, after one shopper map I've created before, of course it wouldn't been near finished if it wasn't for my mate Sensei who tested it all the time, so the development was very quick most of the time.

Thanks to all who helped us in the process and by that I mean Deadbeat and Xan Kriegor :)

Map has 100 colors, I hope all the tricks are marked right and I think the map is generally fun to play, but not for low resolution screens.

Also, this is not a rule, but as you get past the letters, the tricks do get harder, so we could say H is easy, C is medium and P is hard.

I think I've said everything I wanted here, I wish you all good time and good luck while playing it! :)
Also if you have any complaints, if anything isn't marked properly, feel free to mention it in the comments, I'll fix it as soon as possible.

P.S. Created in Adobe Illustrator CC

Added on: 21st July 2015, 18:37
Downloads: 339

Comments: 20 (read/write)

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)