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WA Training + Missions (the complete 45 maps) by sbs

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Most of them ripped by Team17 from WWP, others by me directly from WA. Now, they are all available here in WMDB! ಠ◡ಠ
The WA Training:
Training 1 - "Basic training" (9 maps) #28626
Training 2 - "Super sheep racing" #28509
Training 3 - "Rifle range" #28568
Training 4 - "Crazy crates" #28468
Training 5 - "Artillery range" #28569
Training 6 - "Euthanasia" #28570
The WA Missions:
Mission 01 - "Pumpkin problems" #28504
Mission 02 - "Operation market garden" #28505
Mission 03 - "All quiet in the library" #28506
Mission 04 - "Cool as ice" #28507
Mission 05 - "Do the locomotion" #28508
Mission 06 - "Sand in your eye" #28513
Mission 07 - "Not mushroom out there..." #28514
Mission 08 - "Big shot" #28515
Mission 09 - "Water surprise" #21833 (already submitted by Team17)
Mission 10 - "Jurassic Worm" #28516
Mission 11 - "Chemical warfare" #21818 (already submitted by Team17)
Mission 12 - "No substitute" #28517
Mission 13 - "Who left the flood-gates open?" #28519
Mission 14 - "Super Sheep to the Rescue!" #28576
Mission 15 - "Hot stuff" #28520
Mission 16 - "Trouble on Mount Wormore" #28521
Mission 17 - "Chateau assassin" #21803 (already submitted by Team17)
Mission 18 - "Rescue Agent Dennis" #28522
Mission 19 - "Horny Nuke" #28468
Mission 20 - "Rumble in the farmyard" #28523
Mission 21 - "Wooden ambush" #28524
Mission 22 - "Go bananas" #28525
Mission 23 - "The Drop Zone" #28577
Mission 24 - "Countdown to Armageddon" #21823 (already submitted by Team17)
Mission 25 - "Mars star" #28509
Mission 26 - "Mad cows" #28526
Mission 27 - "Bazooka on the Rocks" #28527
Mission 28 - "Stolen goods" #28528
Mission 29 - "Sinking icecap" #28529
Mission 30 - "Aim long, aim true" #28530
Mission 31 - "Goody two-shoes" #28531
Mission 32 - "Trouble in the toy store" #28532
Mission 33 - "Spectral recovery" #28533
La mayoría ripeados por Team17 del WWP, otros por mí directamente del WA. ¡Ahora están todos disponibles en WMDB! ಠ◡ಠ
El Entrenamiento de WA:
Entrenamiento 1 - "Entrenamiento básico" (9 mapas) #28626
Entrenamiento 2 - "Carrera de ovejas" #28509
Entrenamiento 3 - "Campo de tiro de fusil" #28568
Entrenamiento 4 - "Cajas locas" #28468
Entrenamiento 5 - "Campo de tiro de artillería" #28569
Entrenamiento 6 - "Eutanasia" #28570
Las Misiones de WA:
Misión 01 - "Explosión nuclear" #28504
Misión 02 - "Operación mercado" #28505
Misión 03 - "¿Está todo tranquilo?" #28506
Misión 04 - "Frío como el hielo" #28507
Misión 05 - "Tren chu-chú" #28508
Misión 06 - "Un granito de arena" #28513
Misión 07 - "Ni una mosca..." #28514
Misión 08 - "Un puñado de balas" #28515
Misión 09 - "Sorpresa pasada por agua" #21833 (ya presentado por Team17)
Misión 10 - "Jurassic Worm" #28516
Misión 11 - "Guerra de armas químicas" #21818 (ya presentado por Team17)
Misión 12 - "Inigualable" #28517
Misión 13 - "A quién se le ha olvidado cerrar el grifo" #28519
Misión 14 - "¡Superoveja al rescate!" #28576
Misión 15 - "Sensacional" #28520
Misión 16 - "Problemas en Wormore" #28521
Misión 17 - "Asesino a sueldo" #21803 (ya presentado por Team17)
Misión 18 - "¡Rescatar al Agente Dennis!" #28522
Misión 19 - "Explosión nuclear" #28468
Misión 20 - "Terrremoto" #28523
Misión 21 - "¡Emboscada!" #28524
Misión 22 - "¡Vuélvete loco!" #28525
Misión 23 - "Zona de lanzamientos" #28577
Misión 24 - "¡La cuenta atrás del Harmaguedón!" #21823 (ya presentado por Team17)
Misión 25 - "Marte" #28509
Misión 26 - "Vacas locas" #28526
Misión 27 - "Bazooka on the Rocks" #28527
Misión 28 - "Objetos robados" #28528
Misión 29 - "Hundimiento" #28529
Misión 30 - "Apunta bien" #28530
Misión 31 - "Las ovejitas" #28531
Misión 32 - "Secuestro" #28532
Misión 33 - "1 globo, 2 globos, 3 globos" #28533
Added on: 12th August 2015, 04:23
Downloads: 438
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Unimaginative. (complain/suggest)