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Archery Battle (test map) by Sensei, Marko

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Type: Other
Size: 2296 x 2056, 29KB

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Tags: Archery, Battle




- 1 worm per team

- Tele worm on Start #1 and shoot Target #1.

- Jetpack your way to other Start positions.

- Reaim before throwing second arrow (crosshair must adjust over 30 degrees from its original position before the next shot can be made)

- Each player is responsible for keeping track of their score. After each successful throw, please use /me function in chat (e.g. /me 10)

- Use /boom command while hosting.

Big thanks to my pal Marko for making a map and help me test this scheme.

Added on: 6th October 2015, 15:50
Downloads: 92

Comments: 5 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)

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