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Build Your Own Fort by Obn3g0n, Kot

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Tags: fort, girder, lego forts

This is a very fun new scheme invented by a Russian player named Kot. Also known as Lego Forts. I have tweaked the scheme a few times. This is his original map, which I edited.
Water rises quickly after 17 worms minutes in sudden death. Hint: build up for SD safety and wide to catch crates. The game is designed to be high-powered and exciting but also require skill and strategy. There is plenty of luck involved, but with a good fort design you can make your own luck too, offensively and defensively.
Super weapons are enabled, minus donkey, armageddon, sheep strike, and magic bullet. However, things like mortar, grenade, and cluster bomb are the most common. All 3 crate types are enabled and set to drop one each turn.
Best played on huge maps. The map boundaries are big so you can make your fort as big as you want.
-Invading allowed, but only to steal crates.
-Don't attack while invading.
-Super/aqua sheep is only for stealing crates!!! (can be gotten in crate shower)
-Jetpack-bungee glitch allowed.
-2 rounds to win - stockpiling enabled!
-Suggested config - 2 players with 3 worms each. Not great with teams unless everyone is equal skill.
This is a work in progress so please post any suggestions.
Added on: 13th April 2016, 03:19
Downloads: 177
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Unimaginative. (complain/suggest)