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Pro Golf - Greyworm fields (front nine - hole 1-9) by raffie

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Type: Other PX
Size: 28000 x 4000, 3527KB
Tags: golf

PX Golf map, 9 holes (of 18) this map is made specifically to work with the incredible PX Golf libs made by Pyroman and Drumstick. Many of the visuals as well as map functionality will be added through the PX libs.
How it works:
When the game starts, place your ball on the 1st Tee. Use Power bat, which is the club, to smack the ball with. Use numbers 1-5 to switch your club, you have the choice of following clubs:
1. Driver
2. Iron 5
3. Pitching Wedge
4. Sand Wedge
5. Putter
For certain shots you will be required to make the correct choice of club. Also be aware of the wind direction and strength, as it will affect the ball's trajectory.
Required PX libs: (download Scheme Pack)
Added on: 7th June 2016, 17:49
Downloads: 297
Comments: 12 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 7 EXP
Features: Good graphics, Original. (complain/suggest)