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Arrow Race vs. Battle Race by sbs
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Type: Other
Size: 5248 x 856, 532KB
WSC file: Download
Tags: duel of schemes, bow race, bowrace
9.50 (2)
8.00 (2)
8.00 (2)
Description:8.00 (2)
8.00 (2)
Now it's turn to run, run and run!
Use 2 WORMS for this challenge.
It works like this:
1 WORM goes in the ARROW RACE Start, on the far left.
The 2nd in the BATTLE RACE part at the opposite side.
To win, a player should bring them closer together in the middle of the map; crossing obstacles of different kinds according to each particular scheme.
There are guides in the map that will remind you what is allowed and what is not, for both sides.
Get ready to jump around a little bit... ʘ‿ʘ
Watch the complete scheme here:
(The inf. teleport has been added in case of an accidental blocking with an arrow.)
Ahora es el turno de ¡correr, correr y correr!
Usar 2 WORMS para este reto.
Funciona así:
1 WORM va en el "Start" de "ARROW RACE", sobre el extremo izquierdo.
El 2do en la parte de "BATTLE RACE" del lado opuesto.
Para ganar, el jugador debe juntarlos en el medio del mapa; cruzando obstáculos de diferentes tipos de acuerdo a cada esquema en particular.
En el mapa hay guías que te recuerdan lo que se permite y lo que no, para ambos lados.
Preparate para saltar un poquito... ʘ‿ʘ
Ver el esquema completo acá:
(El inf. teletransporte fue añadido por si hay un bloqueo accidental con alguna flecha.)
Added on: 12th July 2016, 22:02
Downloads: 311
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Worth: 7 EXP
Features: Good graphics, Original, Sprites. (complain/suggest)