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rainboard *international* by sbs, Rainhard

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Type: Board Games
Size: 1976 x 744, 264KB

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Tags: board game, boardgame, board, spanish



And the day came when Rainhard's patriotism is officially compromised ◠‿◠
His mythical russian board game #15187 is finally available in favour of the global community of wormers.
Now we have the chance to play it in 2 popular languages: english and spanish.

This one is the english version

It wouldn't have been possible without the help of a good Wormnet friend of mine: Veals, a native russian.
We didn't want a literal translation because I had in mind the idea of a reconstruction, with slight changes in the difficulty and including 1 additional task.
The result is an international Board with 25 tasks, which can include newcomers as well as oldies.

Oh, and the scheme has also been adapted and attached, since the original "rainboard" is almost a complete solid testing, with infinite time.

PD: Thank you, Veals! ^‿O

Versión en español: #31423

Added on: 29th December 2016, 04:57
Downloads: 425

Comments: 2 (read/write)

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Remix, Good graphics. (complain/suggest)