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DigRopeRace #1 by XanKriegor, ExZo

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Type: Other
Size: 7936 x 4080, 702KB
WSC file:

Tags: IndiMask, dig

This is DigRopeRace, a variation of Digging Race invented by Clogg in 2010. You have 60 seconds, infinite Zooks, Nades and shots per turn to dig your way to the finish. Also you have limited amount of high-powered Homing Missiles and BananaBombs to help you in most difficult areas. LDET and GodWorms will let you to focus on digging, not sefety regulations. There are 250 mines to spice it up, also they are useful for this.
How to play:
- Make sure you have RubberWorm and Indimask modules in your WA folder. If you want to host this scheme online, be sure your opponent(s) have SAME VERSION OF W:A (either or!
- Place your worm on Start 1 or Start 2.
- Rope to finish using weapons to break through walls. AFR is recommended.
At halfway, your and your opponent's ways will merge.
Thanks to:
ExZo, for aMAZEing maze
Plutonic, for IndiMask module
Clogg, for nice maps and scheme
You, for reading this
Demo replay
Project started: march 2016
Colors: 100
Added on: 29th January 2017, 07:56
Downloads: 118
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)