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Board War 3: Kong Island by sbs

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Type: Board Games
Size: 3480 x 1736, 694KB

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Tags: board game, boardgame, adaptation, spanish


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Sequel (or prequel maybe?) for this comic and in turn dramatic scene: #20659, thanks hurz for this!
This time the invasion comes from the courageous army of worms, perhaps as retaliation... or it could also be their first provocative strike on the great Kong's dwelling place... choose the story you like the most ò‿ó


The method is the same as always for these "Board War" map series. So don't forget to set 2 WORMS to each player and brace yourself for a finish to the death, teleporting the 1st worm around the 15 boxes and using the 2nd for almost all the preliminary tasks.

▬ "Board War 1": #28202
▬▬ "Board War 2": #29953

☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩ BOARD WAR 3: KONG ISLAND ☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩☩

Secuela (¿o tal vez precuela?) de este cómico y a la vez dramático escenario: #20659, ¡gracias a hurz por esto!
Esta vez la invasión viene del corajudo ejército de worms, quizá a modo de represalia... o también podría ser su provocador primer ataque a la morada del gran Kong... elegir la historia que más te guste ò‿ó


El método es el mismo de siempre para esta serie de mapas "Board War". Así que no olvides configurar 2 WORMS para cada jugador y prepararte para un final a muerte, transportando al 1er worm alrededor de las 15 casillas y usando al 2do para casi todas las pruebas preliminares.

▬ "Board War 1": #28202
▬▬ "Board War 2": #29953

Added on: 18th May 2017, 16:58
Downloads: 452

Comments: 1 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Good graphics, Themed, Sprites. (complain/suggest)