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Spenner Trick Race by Spenner
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Type: Trick Race
Size: 7800 x 7800, 272KB
Tags: Trick, race, spenner, first, map, rope
10.00 (1)
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Description:10.00 (1)
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This is my first time attempting to build a trick race. I had a lot of fun with it! I'm not the best at trick race so there may be some errors or nooby looking tricks here and there-- feedback is appreciated ;)
There were a couple things I wasn't confident about naming, but things such as "double shadow" [edit: added "descent" to this] should hopefully make sense by how the targets are laid out (FYI, it's kind of like a shadow into a ness but landing on a wall, not a ceiling).
Have fun!
[EDIT1: Added missing marks and updated "double shadow" name]
Added on: 18th June 2017, 19:00
Downloads: 167
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)