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WormsGhostRefuging by xyz, sbs

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Type: Other
Size: 4000 x 1200, 166KB
WSC file:

Tags: GhostRefuging

1. 2 teams for each
2. 1st team (1 worm) stands by Post(middle + stairs).!cant leave the Post, attacks the escapers
3. 2nd team (5 worms) stands by beginpoint(far left/right)
(only parachute select worm low gravity and invisiblity allowed)
4.Objective: getting as many worms to train before SD or bringing in all worms on train.(can be changed)
Added on: 7th July 2017, 12:06
Downloads: 169
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Remix. (complain/suggest)