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Rubber Board "IN-VI-SIBLE" by sbs

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Type: Board Games
Size: 1920 x 920, 65KB

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Tags: boardgame, board game, board, spanish



I didn't have an invisible map, so it's a nice thing for a Board. Such a good opportunity to experiment with the ingame background changing, blending a false black (#000006) along with the default terrain colors. This gives a "light on/off" effect by using the special "INSERT" key. Keep it in mind for this game!
There are 15 tasks to be performed with only 1 worm per player. Each task must be done within the 30 seconds of the turn, and you can make even 2 in the same turn... or 3... or more?

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ RUBBER BOARD "IN-VI-SIBLE"

No tenía un mapa invisible, así que viene bien para un Board. Una buena oportunidad para experimentar con el cambio de fondos durante la partida, combinando un falso negro (#000006) junto con los colores del terreno predeterminado. De esta forma se da un efecto de "encender/apagar la luz" usando la tecla especial "INSERT". ¡Tenerla presente para este juego!
Son 15 pruebas para realizarse con solo 1 worm por jugador. Cada prueba debe hacerse dentro de los 30 segundos del turno, e incluso se pueden hacer 2 en el mismo turno... o 3... ¿o más?

Added on: 29th November 2017, 23:36
Downloads: 401

Comments: 3 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Original. (complain/suggest)