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Teleporting by sbs

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Tags: Teleporting

Map dedicated to this "Teleporting" game —very similar to the "Teleport Shopper"— with only 10 seconds of turn + super weapons + multi-shooting... a truly roller-coaster in action!
It has room for 23 worms in total. The more each team has, the better.
╰---Suggested: 1v1 games of 8 worms would be ideal---╮
···1··· Take at least 1 crate before any other action, i. e., 1 crate before attack or even before using some weapon in a defensive manner.
···2··· The teleport must be used only to go into a crate location. Whenever you're using it, your worm must respawn and grab a crate. If you miss it, that tele is not valid, it must be repeated until the worm takes the crate.
Playing mode:
Your turn begins. You'll have 3 crates available. Think carefully about which one to pick up, if not all of these, because the worms will be anchored to the place where you are using teleport.
To take full advantage of your 10 seconds, be quick in your moves. If you do it well, it will be enough to collect the 3 crates and even to carry out several attacks... moreover, to perform some defensive action... taking full advantage of RW functions (sdet + usw + ldet).
········································································ T E L E P O R T I N G ········································································
Mapa dedicado a este juego de "Teleporting" —muy parecido al "Teleport Shopper"— con solo 10 segundos de turno + superarmas + multi-disparos, ¡una verdadera montaña rusa en acción!
Tiene espacio para 23 worms en total. Cuantos más tenga cada equipo, mejor.
╰---Sugerido: partidas 1v1 de 8 worms sería lo ideal---╮
···1··· Recoger al menos 1 caja antes de cualquier otra acción, i. e., 1 caja antes de atacar o incluso antes de utilizar un arma en forma defensiva.
···2··· El tele debe usarse únicamente para ir hacia la ubicación de una caja. Siempre que te transportes, el worm debe atraparla al reaparecer. Si le erras, ese tele no es válido, debe repetirse hasta que el worm tome la caja.
Modo de juego:
Comienza tu turno. Vas a tener 3 cajas disponibles. Hay que pensar bien cuál recoger, si acaso todas, pues los worms quedarán anclados al lugar al que te transportes.
Para aprovechar a fondo tus 10 segundos, sé rápido en tus movimientos. Si lo haces bien, te alcanzará para recolectar las 3 cajas e inclusive para llevar a cabo varios ataques... y hasta realizar alguna acción defensiva... sacándole todo el jugo a las funciones de RW (sdet + usw + ldet).
Added on: 27th December 2017, 23:35
Downloads: 451
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)