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WormsSpringGames by xyz

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Type: Board Games
Size: 1920 x 1080, 210KB

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Tags: spring, seasonal, board



Make a fool of all other players and first reach the end!
Board made in Have Fun spirit, please play it in same way.
Spring themed board game, have fun!

normal mode
no blocking paths! have fun
doubtful tasks:
2- nade has to enter and get out of hive,
3- no wind rule, performance shows tasks ahead begin spot means where you stick your rope on
4- on 11th begin spot
6- ground means all lowest surface(including hive barn etc.)
7- use only jet, ro retreat time allowed
10- water root of tulip
16- retreat time allowed
after 4 tasks DONE player picks an april fool task(1 try for those), once he pick a task he cant pick it again.
2nd AF task allows you to pick a new begin spot for picked task and picked player (but you can't pick yourself)
3rd task mine cannot be set on task that is already performed by any player (double edged one, since you can pick one which you will have to do yourself twice)
4th task allow you and your opponent switch for 1 task rest of tasks goes as before.
4th AF task is for task which is indicated by the wind (for instance, you pick 4th task when you after doing succesfully task 11 and you have red wind that means you will do task 13 next, since you switch tasks you do task of your ( picked ) opponent and he/she does tasks 13th).
please write down any doubts in comments

Added on: 15th April 2018, 21:50
Downloads: 282

Comments: 3 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: Themed, Sprites. (complain/suggest)