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WormsCurling by xyz

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Type: Other
Size: 800 x 600, 13KB
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Tags: curling, worms, rubber

Worms version of Curling
1 worm each team,
each worm placed on the bench
make your mine reach as close to the center as possible by booming it with other weapon
you can use also mine to throw out mine of yuor opponent by fusing it, but remember you have to fuse it before gray line ends
mines not above blue line doesnt participate in game,
each round has 3 turns and each turn are 2 mines set by each player
once your turn ends go please on bench so you dont interrupt other player
points are counted by number of your mines closest to the centre so if your 2 mines are closer than any of opponent mine you get 2 points
team which got points begins next round
if none teams got points team which began as 1st last game begins next game too
have fun and fair play!
Added on: 15th August 2018, 11:15
Downloads: 132
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)