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Worms University by sbs

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Type: Board Games
Size: 3576 x 1616, 990KB

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Tags: rubber board, boardgame, board game, spanish



Map for Rubber Board —the number 8 of this series— built in the form of a University Center for 1 worm per player.
It's a public University... Even so, it's not for everyone.
In order to enter, more than basic knowledge is required. And to graduate, there are 20 tests to pass.
But don't let it overwhelm you, the fun takes its place too ⊂•⊃‿⊂•⊃

Scheme preview:

◗ RB. 1 ▷ #23962
◗ RB. 2 ▷ #25416
◗ RB. 3 ▷ #25729
◗ RB. 4 ▷ #29639
◗ RB. 5 ▷ #31282
◗ RB. 6 ▷ #32715
◗ RB. 7 ▷ #32751

۩๑๑๑๑๑۩๑๑๑๑๑۩ WORMS UNIVERSITY ۩๑๑๑๑๑۩๑๑๑๑๑۩

Mapa para Rubber Board —el número 8 de esta serie— construido en forma de Centro Universitario para 1 worm por jugador.
Es una Universidad pública... Aún así, no es para todo el mundo.
Para ingresar, se exigen conocimientos más que básicos. Y para graduarse, hay 20 pruebas que superar.
Pero que no te abrume, la diversión también ocupa su lugar ⊂•⊃‿⊂•⊃

Vista previa del esquema:

◗ RB. 1 ▷ #23962
◗ RB. 2 ▷ #25416
◗ RB. 3 ▷ #25729
◗ RB. 4 ▷ #29639
◗ RB. 5 ▷ #31282
◗ RB. 6 ▷ #32715
◗ RB. 7 ▷ #32751

Added on: 15th September 2018, 21:08
Downloads: 619

Comments: 3 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Good graphics, Sprites. (complain/suggest)