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Bleach Double-Fly Mix Shopper (70 secs) by ClaireKonatsu

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Type: Surf Shopper
Size: 4000 x 1200, 393KB

Tags: double, bleach, claire, konatsu, anime, manga



Bleach Double-Fly Mix Shopper (DFly+Surf+4Walls) - by Claire Konatsu, 2019 - 60 seconds recommended - Map still being tested, changes may be performed.
Welcome to my first Double-Fly map! It is pretty simple to understand, but a little tricky to run. Each player must do a double fly, from a fly support (sword) to the center pixel (skull icon), then to the other fly support (sword) in the other side of the map, all in a single momentum, this is the Double-Fly concept. If you can't do it in just one move, take your brake at the center for a new momentum, but still perform a double fly to validate the DFBA rule. Enjoy, please report glitches.

Added on: 14th April 2019, 17:17
Downloads: 120

Comments: 0 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 2 EXP

Features: Unimaginative, Themed. (complain/suggest)