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PX Gallery by sbs

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Type: Other
Size: 1920 x 816, 312KB

Tags: PX 8-bit



A varied selection of maps that cannot be loaded without having the Project X (PX) program installed into the game.
They've all been converted to PNG-8 format, so now you can play these by using the links in the list below:


Una selección variada de mapas que no pueden cargarse sin tener el programa Project X (PX) instalado en el juego.
Todos han sido reconvertidos al formato PNG-8, así que ahora es posible jugarlos mediante los enlaces de la lista de abajo:


✧ Highlanders, by raffie — Halloween: #36549, 1: #36558, 2: #36561, 3: #36565, 4: #36537, 5: #36542, 6: #36422 (uploaded by himself)

✧ Highlanders, by Gabberarmy — #36534 (Worms), #36530 (Super Mario)

✧ KTKs — reituz: #36566 (Winter Wonderland), #36532 (Chemical Plant Zone) // UDF`DeepField: #36531, #36560 (Forest) // Neo: #36609 (Titanic) // MaxKo: #36552

✧ Angry Birds Kaos, by raffie — 3: #36562, 4: #36567, 1 and 2 can be loaded without errors: #19432, #20322

✧ Delight, by stringking — #36559

✧ UDF`DeepField's open maps — Crane Remix: #36538, Another Day in Worm Land: #36529, International Space Station: #36550

✧ Island Hopping Large, by ThePope #36551

✧ Kilburn's HG race — #36596

✧ The Parkour Store, by kClown — #36525

✧ Shoppers, by xBLACKxVampire — #36521, #36523

✧ W2W with PX, by Stewa — #36519

Added on: 13th May 2020, 02:49
Downloads: 77

Comments: 0 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: Remix. (complain/suggest)