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Parachute Shopper by sbs
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Type: Other
Size: 1344 x 1072, 224KB
WSC file: Download
Tags: chute shop, parachute
◘ Scheme: Parachute Shopper, with few tweaks:
◘ Use racing stuff/rs: Necessary to avoid accidental blocking.
◘ 1 rule: CBA = Crate before attack << Advisable.
(Feel free to play it with the full old rules if you want, i.e.: CBA + AFP: Attack from parachute and KTL: Kill the leader — But the game becomes much more restrictive.)
◘ Worms recommended: At least 3.
◘ Worms max.: No more than 21 for this map.
······················ PARACHUTE SHOPPER ······················
◘ Esquema: "Parachute Shopper", con algunos ajustes:
◘ Usar "racing stuff/rs": Necesaria para evitar bloqueos accidentales.
◘ 1 regla: CBA = Caja antes de atacar << Aconsejable.
(Si lo deseas, también se puede jugar con todas las reglas antiguas, i.e.: CBA + AFP: Atacar desde el paracaídas y KTL: Matar solo al líder — Pero la partida se torna mucho más restrictiva.)
◘ Worms recomendados: Al menos 3.
◘ Worms máx.: No más de 21 para este mapa.
Added on: 24th June 2020, 00:59
Downloads: 146
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Good graphics. (complain/suggest)