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Joy Division by FoxHound

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Type: Fly Shopper
Size: 1920 x 800, 358KB

Tags: gray, post, punk, Ian, Curtis, unknown, pleasures

Dedicated for true Joy Division fans. This post-punk band opened ways to indie rock and other music scenes. This map is for all who feel empaty for people with epilepsy or depression. Also, it is for people who like sad songs and poetry.

I made this map in 2012. It was refused by WMDB reviewers because it is not a colored map. I completely forgot about it and today I found it! I uploaded it as a private map this time. I'll never put colors on this map.

Added on: 15th July 2020, 05:19
Downloads: 54

Comments: 0 (read/write)

Worth: 0 EXP

Features: Private. (complain/suggest)