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Board 3.8 by sbs

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Type: Board Games
Size: 1264 x 2944, 349KB

WSC file: Download

Tags: rubber board, boardgame, board game



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The most recent variation of Board Games, mixing Rubber Board techniques (multi-shooting tasks, basically) with the known "Wind Rules", as rolling the dice to move forward through the map, e.g.: Blue wind +1 — Red wind +2 — No wind +3.
In this case, introducing a really suitable 3.8 function for the wind behaviour:

Wind Bias: 0
By assigning the minimum value, the wind direction no longer depends on the worm position.
This used to be inconvenient for the traditional Board Game scheme. But now, if the worm is placed in any of the map sides (left or right), that recurrent issue with the wind going in an opposite direction is over. Not so obvious and predictable anymore.

Thanks to FoxHound for suggesting this improvement into the scheme, when 3.8 version was released.

Rope-roll drops: As for rope or jump
Another cool option used especially for roping tasks. It makes possible to shoot the rope in a 2nd direction, by using the Enter key (formerly included in the "Test Stuff" pack).

The rest of the 3.8 features (that you'd like to know before playing this map):

• sdet • automatic end-of-turn retreat • fdpt • ldet • Phased Worms (Enemies) • Anti-lock aim • Anti-lock power • Anti-sink • Extended fuses/herds (fuseex)

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Players must use 1 worm each, as usual.

The map has been built in a tower style, but instead of climbing up, one must descend. All players start the game with task #1 on the roof, a walk race towards #2.

Regarding the rules, don't be tempted to do more than 1 task per turn, like typical Rubber Boards (except those #1→#2 connected tasks).
Here, besides the multi-shooting challenges, the sdet feature has another purpose: to give more chances in every task performing.
So, after you complete a task, skip and wait for your next wind color to go forward.
This is the right way the game combines multi-shots with the mentioned "Wind Rules".

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More Boards and variations:

• Traditional: #1 #21618, #2 #21646, #3 #22036 #4 #34956

• Revival: #1 #26390, #2 #26526, #3 #26666

• Bonuses: #1 #32758, #2 #33210

• Rubber Boards: #1 #23962, #2 #25416, #3 #25729, #4 #29639, #5 #31282, #6 #32715, #7 #32751, #8 #33590

• Board War (tasks + fight): #1 #28202, #2 #29953, #3 #32019

• W:A Basic Training: #28626

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Added on: 18th April 2021, 07:00
Downloads: 377

Comments: 1 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 5 users.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Good graphics. (complain/suggest)