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Wormlympic 2021 by sbs

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Type: Board Games
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Tags: boardgame, board game, board, olympics


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The little ones have their own Olympic venues, but it looks like they go once every decade... We are far away from the 1st "Wormlympic" map, back in 2010: #14366.

The concept here is: each task is inspired by traditional Worm Olympics schemes, and the players must face all the challenges, 1 by 1. No wind rules applied.

The contents for this 2021 map:

01: Lighting up the Olympic Flame, with a Petrol Bomb launch.
02: Russian Roulette.
03: Surf (with Rope).
04: Bungee Race.
05: Mole Shop trick (featuring the "Ghost Mole" glitch).
There is also a Replay file through that link to watch closely how to do it.

06: Golf.
07: Comet Dodging.
08: Fly (with Rope).
09: Boom Race.
10: Chute Race.
11: WxW.
12: Sheep Glitch.
13: Super Sheep Race (SSR).
14: Fort.
15: Capture The Flag (CTF).

3.8 settings influencing the gameplay:

• There are 3 new functions to modify the Petrol Bomb logic, in order to play with an "endless" Olympic Flame phenomenon, created in the beginning of the game (task 01).

1) Petrol turn decay: 0
It causes a persistent flame for the entire game, like real Olympics ◠‿◠

2) Max. flamelet count: 9999
Usually, after 5 Petrols dropped in the map, the new flamelets erase the older ones (a "Firefighter" effect). This high value prevent players from doing that. In case they fail several shots, the Olympic Flame is not threatened to disappear.

3) Petrol touch decay: 255
If someone drops a Petrol in the wrong place by accident, the worms can turn off the fire easyly with this function. Just jump on the flamelets and the shrinking will be way quicker.

Multishots are included to have more chances on each task // sdet usw automatic end-of-turn retreat

Keep control and Rope after skimming
Before, we needed TS pack for proper surfing. Now, we have this single function separated from the rest and it gets easier... Just press Space Bar to shoot the Rope while skimming (no need to choose it as a 2nd weapon + press Enter anymore).

Anti-lock aim Anti-lock power
To make the aiming tasks more challenging.

Wind Bias: 0
For a more unpredictable wind. Or... if you want to play this map combining the wind rules with multishots, as it's explained here: #40075

Rope-roll drops: as from Rope
Another function from the old TS. The Sheep Glitch works thanks to this.

• The rest: Anti-sink fdpt ldet Phased Worms (Enemies)

Bonus file:

Years ago, I have made a .PNG file containing all the Worm Olympics medals with icons representing the different schemes, 61 in total, in alphabetic order. I planned to use these in a 2nd "Wormlympic" map someday... Today, finally!

Feel free to use it for your own "Wormlympic" map, why not? Here's a link...

Added on: 14th August 2021, 12:12
Downloads: 461

Comments: 6 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 6 users.

Worth: 7 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Good graphics. (complain/suggest)