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wascar track by SIBASA

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Type: Wascar
Size: 1920 x 696, 43KB

Tags: wascar




Show your speed.

Place the worm on the starting line.

Stick to the required direction - Wascar maps can be played clockwise or anti-clockwise. Players must agree to the direction to be used and stick to it throughout the game.

Use the Ninja Rope to navigate around the course, completing as many laps (passing the starting line) as possible in the given turn time.

The number of laps completed is tracked using messages in the chat. Players will keep track of their own lap completion and that of others. The first player to complete the required number of laps - which is usually agreed upon between the players at the start of the game - wins the game. However, the winner may have had the advantage of an extra turn, due to turn order. In this case, other players who are a turn behind are allowed one more turn, and if they meet the lap requirement, the round ends in a draw.


This map was used in the challenge: TTRR Wascar [10 laps per turn]

Added on: 19th October 2021, 03:34
Downloads: 55

Comments: 0 (read/write)

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: None. (complain/suggest)