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Builder 3.8 by sbs

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3rd map for the scheme.
A Fort derivation with 3 main differences:

· 1 · Weapons cannot be used freely. There are specific Figures to build using Girders and thereby enable the weapons.

· 2 · Invasion into the enemy base with your Worms is allowed and, what is more, necessary in order to get a quicker victory.

· 3 · Since the 2nd map, there is no Water Rise as a Sudden Death event. It is replaced with Nuke.
In this way, we never lose the chance to build Figures until the very end of the round.

Summary of the rules:

○○○ Players must use Girders to copy any of the Figures representing weapons.
So, one has to "build" a weapon before use it.

○○○ It is not allowed to place Girders anywhere, nor any way or angle.
Use them only over your half of the map and strictly to build Figures of weapons.

○○○ If a Girder is damaged by a shot, the weapon it represents remains disabled.
To get that weapon again, the Figure has to be reconstructed from scratch.

More info and details can be seen in the predecessors: #30385, #36716.

This time, I was experimenting with a central structure for the Figures.
Therefore, 2 additional rules has been written in the map and must be fulfilled:

○○○ Players should not shoot at the center.

○○○ Worms are not allowed to land there.

Of course, accidents may occur...
If an explosion or even a Worm falls in the middle of the map, it is ok as long as it was not intentional.
Do not be tempted to open fire at a Worm landing there, let him go back to base in his following turn, he must comply with that too.

3.8 stuff:
Girder Radius Assist // Fractional Round Timer // Anti-lock Aim (random switch) // FDPT // Fuseex

Multishooting was taken into account... but I finally decided not to include it in the scheme, prevailing strategy over speed.
Feel free to try it if you look for a more frantic game.

Added on: 1st September 2022, 15:02
Downloads: 166

Comments: 0 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 4 users.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Good graphics. (complain/suggest)

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