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Teleporting 3.8 by sbs

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Type: Other Rubber
Size: 3256 x 1904, 479KB
WSC file:

Tags: Teleporting

■ 1st—#32806, 2nd—#35177, 3rd—#37860
■ Pack x100 ← Thanks to my friend FoxHound for the uploading.
It is a selection of maps that matches with the scheme. We also have a preview option for every map.
■ End-of-turn retreat: The most remarkable/useful change.
Before, in the context of multishots, it was common here to watch (helpessly) how Sheeps, Skunks, Moles, etc, became uncontrollable when the turn time reached 0. There was nothing we can do about it, except let them go. Adding retreat time was pointless.
But now, with this suitable new function, we will no longer lose those weapons that can be still controlled after launch.
■ Fuseex: For the "drop and run" fans. Extending the fuse beyond 5 seconds, may help a lot with the tactic... extra time to escape from those undesirable explosions that could "catch" your worm while he is trying to say goodbye with the teleporting.
The rest: ■ sdet ■ usw ■ ldet ■ crate limit 3 ■ crate rate 3 ■ fractional round timer.
■ The Girder power is increased to 50, which means a 10.000 pixels range to place them. More than enough to cover even big maps like this.
Added on: 16th September 2022, 06:04
Downloads: 80
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 3 users.
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: None. (complain/suggest)